Legal notices
KNP Kreikenbohm Niederstetter Partnerschaft Rechtsanwälte mbB
Leipziger Platz 8
10117 Berlin
Legal form: partnership with limited liability (mbB)
Registered office: Berlin
Court of registration: AG Berlin-Charlottenburg, PR 946 B
Managing partners (each an authorized sole representative):
Dr. Jan Kreikenbohm
Dr. Christina Niederstetter
Tax number: 34/398/01103
USt.-ID-No. (for Germany): DE297102998
The lawyers of the law firm KNP Rechtsanwälte mbB are admitted to the German Bar. The lawyers are subject to the following professional and fee regulations:
- Federal Lawyers’ Ordinance (BRAO)
- Federal Lawyers’ Code of Conduct (BORA)
- Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations (FAO)
- Federal Attorney Fee Code (BRAGO)
- Federal Code of Lawyers’ Fees (RVG)
- Code of Conduct for Lawyers of the European Union (CCBE)
These rules and regulations are available in German at the website of the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (the Federal Bar Association),, by clicking on “Berufsrecht”.
Professional liability insurance exists with AXA Versicherungs AG, Colonia-Allee 10-20, D-51067 Cologne, Germany. The geographical area of application of the insurance coverage encompasses activities in the Member States of the European Union.
The information provided on this website serves to represent the registered partnership. It does not constitute any legal advice nor should it replace legal advice. KNP Kreikenbohm Niederstetter Partnerschaft Rechtsanwälte mbB accepts no responsibility for the currency, accuracy, or completeness of the information provided on this website. The same applies to the content of external websites referred to either directly or indirectly on this website through hyperlinks and over which KNP Kreikenbohm Niederstetter Partnerschaft Rechtsanwälte mbB has no influence.
Picture credits
Shutterstock 124230523 Matthew Dixon, 2014
Shutterstock 174601109 telesniuk, 2014
Shutterstock 195016460 VanderWolf Images, 2014
Shutterstock 22410697 Factotum Media, 2017 (Video)
Shutterstock 24159790 Vitaly Vyazovsky, 2017 (Video)
gettyimages 552473233 RICOWde, 2017
Moritz Kreikenbohm, 2017